Five white and orange kittens stare up at the camera from inside a cardboard box.

Photo Credit: abcrumley | Flickr

Babies Left on Doorstep Leave SPCA Overrun With Cats

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There’s only so much space for all these kittens

Are you a cat person? If the answer is yes, you live in Port Alberni, and you’ve been thinking of getting a new furry friend, there’s no time like the present.

After a late-night drop-off of a mama cat and her four kittens, Alberni-Clayoquot SPCA staff say they’re completely “overpopulated by cats.”

Folks generally mean well when they bring the cats to a place where they will be cared for. But the SPCA only has so much space and so many staff.

That’s why unregulated drop-offs make things complicated.

Sam Sattar is the SPCA branch manager. “As a non-profit, it’s so hard for us to keep up with it,” he told Alberni Valley News. “It’s not that we won’t take them,” added Sattar. “But we only have so much space. Sometimes you have to wait your turn.”

Likely, whoever dropped off the latest batch of cats couldn’t afford to wait their turn. Some bottle donations went missing at the same time the cats showed up.

But for folks who aren’t struggling so hard, the SPCA asks that you talk to a staff person if you’re dropping off a cat. That’s the easiest way to make sure the cats will be taken care of.

Not quite ready to adopt a new pet? You can also talk to staff to make a donation or to help out. They also accept donations for their Animeals pet food program for folks who are struggling with money but want to keep their beloved pet.

For those looking to pick up rather than drop off, they’re welcoming anyone looking to adopt.

Go ahead. Prove you’re a true cat lover. Head over to meet Felix, Pixie, Charlie, and the rest of the adorable cats up for adoption right now.
