A photo of Carrot park with flags flying on a sunny day.

Photo Credit: Alistair Duncan

Carrot/Rotary Park is Getting an Upgrade

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Good news for folks with small bladders

Carrot/Rotary Park sees a lot of action. It’s where the Wounded Warriors run, and Tour de Rock kicked off. It’s where the Orange Shirt Day march finished up. It’s where we meet for the Terry Fox Run.

It’s a super important part of the community.

And now it’s getting a well-deserved upgrade.

The revitalization project will pay local artists to create a Kwakwaka’wakw welcome figure. Kwakiutl / Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw peoples traditionally use these figures to welcome folks into a territory.

After two years of COVID, we could all use a little welcoming!

The project will also install new bench seating and a bathroom. The circular design for the bathroom will provide a place for artists to paint murals and other pieces.

Funding for the project is coming from the THRIVE Small Capital Program.

The park is a natural tourist gateway to downtown and other parts of Port Hardy. So it’s fitting that the welcome figure will be stationed there.

“People on the North Island are known for being kind and welcoming. It’s one of the things that makes it such a great place to visit,” said North-Island MLA Michele Babchuck.

But it’s also where the community gathers for events, and where parents take their kids to play.

So it’s good to see such an important piece of our home getting some funding and attention.
