BC Hydro will be almost tripling the amount of water flowing down the Ash River three times this month to help steelhead trout.
The extra water will help migrating trout get past Dickson and Lanterman Falls.
By releasing all that extra water, it’s like the dam is creating fake storms.
- August 10–12
- August 17–19
- August 24–26
Though the water is good for the trout, it can be dangerous for people.
BC Hydro will be posting signs around Elsie Lake and Dickson Lake to warn folks about the rising river.
Karla Louwers, a BC Hydro spokesperson, told Alberni Valley News that the biggest dangers will be in the late afternoons of August 10, August 17, and August 24.
“It’s not a lot of water in the grand scheme of things, but it could get people in trouble if they are in the river. Please be cautious,” she said.