A bunch of hands give a thumbs up in front of a sign that reads "FREE SHARE."

Photo Credit: Mike Cohen | creditscoregeek.com

Campbell River Will Be Brimming With Free Treasure!

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When communities come together, cool stuff happens

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We’ve all heard the slogan about a million times.

Actually living it isn’t always easy. After all, how many people have time to transform what they don’t need into something new and useful?

But one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, as they say. When everyone comes together to share with each other, reusing becomes easy as pie.

Campbell River is coming together to make reusing easy! On Sunday, September 25th, we’re sharing the community’s wealth with no middleman.

Take a look through your home. There’s probably a lot of useful stuff you don’t need or want anymore. But someone else could probably use it, right?

Now imagine everyone in the city does this. That’s a whole lot of stuff up for grabs.

That’s exactly what’s happening this Sunday, September 25th.

It’s Free Stuff Day!

Everyone is taking their clothes, tools, collectibles, furniture, you name it, that they don’t need anymore and leaving it out for anyone to take what they need. It’s like a garage sale without all the change.

It’s an awesome chance to share, clear out your home, and make room for some new things you’re sure to find!

The rules are simple:

1. Put your free stuff out front to make it easy to pick up from the road with a FREE sign.

2. Drive around town and find some treasures!

3. Please be respectful of your neighbours and their neighbourhood.

4. Only take what you need.

Thanks to everyone for sharing and caring for each other and our planet.

Happy hunting!
