Photo Credit: ComoxValley.News staff

It’s Going to Be Hot, Hot, Hot Says Environment Canada Heat Alert

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Comox Valley and Campbell River will swelter through Sunday

In a special alert posted late Friday, Environment Canada warned Islanders about scorching temperatures continuing through Sunday, August 2nd. The warning is for East Vancouver Island.

It will be particularly hot from Courtenay to Campbell River. Folks should get ready for daytime highs near 30 degrees.

Thankfully temperatures won’t be as hot as when the heat dome shattered hundreds of records across BC. On the hottest heat dome days, temperatures were more than 40 degrees.

The BC coroner determined that 570 of the 815 sudden deaths during the heatwave were “heat-related.”

Why is that important?

Put it this way: on June 29, the hottest day of the heat dome, 73 people died on Vancouver Island, but only 8 people died last year on June 29, 2020.

This weekend, Environment Canada said in its statement, “daytime highs near 30 degrees Celsius combined with overnight lows in the mid to upper teens are forecast today through Sunday morning with slightly cooler daytime temperatures expected near the water.”

Older people, little kids, folks who are pregnant and folks with chronic health problems can have more trouble in the heat. So can anyone who is working or exercising outside.

Environment Canada says to watch for signs of heat illness, like swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or worsening health conditions.

They tell people to “drink plenty of water even before you feel thirsty and stay in a cool place.”

“Check on older family, friends and neighbours. Make sure they are cool and drinking water… Schedule outdoor activities during the coolest parts of the day. Seek a cool place such as a tree-shaded area, swimming pool, shower or bath, or air-conditioned spot like a public building,” says the statement.

Folks in the Courtney-Comox area can also cool off at these cooling stations.
