A picture of a tree split in half, with one side green and vibrant and the other side dry and dead.

Photo Credit: Canva

These Kids Can’t Vote, But They’re Still Making Their Voices Heard

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Here’s who the Comox Youth Climate Council endorse

Our youth have been out in force this election!

One group of students has just put in a ton of work. They’ve dug up which candidates think we should keep our planet livable.

The Comox Youth Climate Council did a deep dive into the priorities of our electoral candidates. They also ran a series of virtual Q&As with municipal candidates.

You can view full responses on their YouTube channel.

From their findings, they’ve selected their top candidates from Courtenay, Comox, and Cumberland, as well as those running for the Regional Districts.

All the candidates they’ve chosen are running campaigns that most align with the group’s core values.

These include taking action on the climate crisis, justice, equity, diversity, decolonization, anti-racism, accessibility, and inclusion.

With voting happening tomorrow, here’s a quick read-through of all the names that hit the mark for these kids who care about our future, and their own.

Endorsed Candidates for Courtenay

Bob Wells
School Trustees
Shannon Aldinger
Jasmine Willard
Will Cole-Hamilton
David Frisch
Doug Hillian
Evan Jolicoeur
Melanie McCollum
Wendy Morin

Endorsed Candidates for Cumberland

Vickey Brown
School Trustee
-No Endorsed Candidates-
Jesse Ketler

Endorsed Candidates for Comox

Nicole Minions
School Trustee
Randi Baldwin
Susan Leslie
Jonathan Kerr
Jenn Meilleur

Endorsed Candidates for Regional District

Area A
Daniel Arbour
Kat Hawksby
Chelsea Mccannel-Keene
Area B
Arzeena Hamir
Area C
-No Endorsed Candidates –
*There are only two candidates running, see our article if you want to know who NOT to pick*
Area D
Christi May Sacht

That’s the full round-up. We’ve linked more info on all CYCC’s choices so you can find out more.

If any of their choices align with your values as well, you can help these kids’ voices be heard by ticking them off on your ballot tomorrow.
