A flat, well-groomed trail through tall green trees.

Photo Credit: Mike Johnson / Facebook

When Does a Walk Become a Hike?

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It depends on how much you sweat

John Curran posts a lot on Hiking Enthusiasts of Vancouver Island. And he has good reason to–he spends a lot of time hiking on VanIsle. Like, a lot.

Last week, he jumped onto the Facebook group to ask an innocent question: when does a walk turn into a hike?

Folks had a lot to say. Like, a lot.

It’s a really great question! Especially on VanIsle, where getting out in nature is a way of life.

There were as many answers as there are hikers on the Island. But there were a few themes, too.

What are you drinking?

A lot of folks agreed on one thing: if you can stop and get a coffee while you’re doing it, it’s a walk. If you are walking slow enough to sip that coffee, it’s a walk. But if you’re hiking, you’re more likely to carry extra water instead of java. Though one person said, he carries a flask for the harder hikes!

Working up a sweat

Lots of folks agreed that hiking = sweating. So if you’re working hard enough to get sweaty and lose your breath sometimes, that’s a hike.

Say goodbye to sidewalks

Everyone agreed that if you’re on a sidewalk, that’s a walk. If the ground is nice enough for a stroller, it’s probably a walk. But not everyone agreed that being on a trail automatically means it’s a hike. Some folks thought that if the trail was flat enough, that could be a walk in the forest.

Say hello to hills

Many folks said they only think it’s a hike if they have to go uphill. But that means no one in the prairies hikes. Unless they come visit VanIsle, of course.

A lot of nature

If you’re out in nature, surrounded by trees, and the path is a bit rugged, you’re probably on a hike. Lots of folks said that if you have to step over roots and rocks, or get your feet wet in a stream, or get dirty climbing up a boulder, you’re hiking.

A little bit of danger

Did you pack your emergency kit? Are you worried you might need to be rescued? That’s definitely a hike.

One person said, “a walk is when you are on the alert for cars…. A hike is when you are on the alert for bears and cougars!”

How much do you hurt after?

One person said, “your body will tell you.” Another person said she had her knee replaced, so anything that makes her knee hurt is automatically a hike.

If your buns hurt the next day, it’s safe to say you went on a hike.

Hiking here is awesome

A walk for one person might be a hike for someone else. But pretty much everyone agrees that they love getting outside here. Explore Magazine says that four of BC’s top 25 hikes are on VanIsle.

We’re pretty blessed to live in such a beautiful place. So go outside and enjoy it.

And you can take your Timmies on a hike; we won’t tell anyone. Just don’t leave your cup on the trail.
