People with signs stand in the street in front of an ambulance with a patient in it.

Photo Credit: Canadian Press / Darryl Dyck

Who is Funding the Pro-Virus Rallies?

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Someone had to pay for the fancy posters and the sound system

This weekend was terrible for COVID-19 on VanIsle.

More people got COVID-19 between Friday, August 27 and Wednesday, August 31 than we’ve seen since April 2021. And the vast majority of people getting COVID-19 right now have not been vaccinated.

Back in mid-June, we had days where no COVID-19 cases were reported on VanIsle.

And somehow, during our second-worst spike of the pandemic, people were protesting the vaccine passport outside of the Legislature.

On the mainland, people blocked ambulances and harassed hospital workers. They threatened the same people who will help them if they get sick with COVID.

What gives?

Protest is important. In a democracy, folks have every right to get together and speak up.

But something about this is fishy.

Yes, lots of people at the rallies held up hand-made signs. The kinds of signs you see at any event like this, the ones made out of poster board, hockey sticks and magic markers.

But some people in the crowd held up fancy signs made by graphic designers. Signs like that are expensive.

White people hold up anti-vaccine signs made by graphic designers.
People at the Legislature rally hold up signs that have been made by graphic designers and printed off at print shops. Photo by Don Newton / Comox Valley News

Also, who paid for the stage?

At the Legislature in Victoria, there was a full-on stage and a sound system. But, again, these things are expensive. Someone has to put down a credit card and take the hit if the speakers get broken.

In most rallies, you pretty much know who organized it.

You may disagree with what they stand for. You may think they’re totally looney tunes. But they tell you who they are.

The unions hold up signs with the names of their unions. Your community’s local Pride society organizes Pride Parades.

Every First Nation blockade announces who they are when they block the road.

But the people behind these pro-virus rallies are being really, really quiet about it.

Why is that?
