Photo of a tired healthcare professional resting on a grey couch

Photo Credit: Cedric Fauntleroy

COVID-19 Numbers are Coming Down, but Vancouver Island Doctors and Nurses Still Need Our Help

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Doctors and nurses are nearly exhausted after a whole year of the pandemic

BC health officials found 82 new cases of COVID-19 in the Vancouver Island region between April 24 and April 25. That’s good news, because it means our numbers are coming down. Last weekend they found 108 cases. Most of the spread is happening in Southern Vancouver Island.

But just because numbers are coming down doesn’t mean we can break out a 2-4 and party inside with 20 of our best friends and family. If we have learned anything over the past year, it’s that numbers that come down can also easily go back up.

Doctors and nurses are exhausted after a year of the pandemic, and they are asking us to keep following the health guidelines.

The Island has enough empty hospital beds and ventilators to take care of more sick people, but those empty beds aren’t the whole story. Island Health says that “[f]or every person in a critical care bed, whether they are being treated for COVID-19 or another serious medical condition, a team of dedicated professionals is required to deliver care.”

Beds don’t take care of sick people. Doctors, nurses, and hospital workers take care of sick people.

Island Health knows the pandemic has been brutal on everyone, but they say it’s important to stay focused. Wear a mask inside. See your friends and family outside. If none of the local campgrounds have a spot available, then hit the trails or find some waterfalls nearby.

More people are getting vaccinated and the weather is getting nicer. If we all keep taking care of each other, we’ll get out of this.
