A group of Afghan children stands together for a photograph.

Photo Credit: Michelle Downey | Facebook

Bid a Little, Give a Lot

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We’ve got one day left to make a difference!

How would you feel if your big, beautiful family was under threat? Every day, Afghan families live with that reality. But a group of folks from Campbell River and the Comox Valley are trying to change that reality for one Afghan family.

And you could help bring them to safety.

The Safe Journey Afghan sponsor team is running a fundraiser right now. The reason? To raise money to help a family escaping the Taliban make a safe journey here.

The husband in this family is a human rights lawyer. The wife is a teacher at a school for girls. And the Taliban are making their life hell.

The grandfather has been killed. A brother has been shot. And someone threw boiling water at the wife.

The Taliban are still threatening them with death and to marry off one of their young daughters.

These are good people in a bad situation who deserve all the help we can give. But with your help, they could be a part of our community.

The fundraiser allows you not just to give, but also get some awesome goods to bring home to your own family.

There’s just one day left to bid on your favourite baskets, and your donations will make a world of difference!

You can participate here.

Right now, our community’s efforts will go towards the family’s safety in their current living situation. They’ve just made a safe crossing into Pakistan, and will be living there until we can bring them here.

Some of the funds will provide the family with internet and a computer. That’ll help them learn English and get prepared for their new home.

You can learn more about the family, their circumstances, and what you can do to help through the group’s Facebook page, or by contacting Michelle Downey at rmdowney1@gmail.com or 250-830-8262.

If you’d like to donate directly, go to the umbrella church CLF website where you can give and get a tax receipt.
