Futuristic illustrations of medical scans are overlaid onto a picture of a person in medical garb.

Photo Credit: Medical Technology | NexStream.is

NexStream Keeps the Cutting Edge in Campbell River

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Ideas this good deserve funding

Campbell River may not be known as a technology hub. But there’s way more going on here than meets the eye.

Innovative projects are propelling the community into the future, and NexStream investors are shelling out big money to support it. Check here for news on NexStream 1.0 and NexStream 2.0.

This year’s NexStream 3.0 Tech Competition has brought every initiative out of the woodwork and into the spotlight. With so many solid proposals, it was hard to choose the winners.

In fact, NexStream set up more outside funding for projects that didn’t win because they were too good to let slide.

From the next generation of solar energy tech to “bioprinting” human tissue and cells for regenerative medicine (fountain of youth anyone?), there are absolutely mind-blowing projects getting the recognition (and funding) they deserve.

Here are this year’s NexStream winners.

Healthcare and Emergency Preparedness


They’ve successfully developed innovative bioinks for 3D printing. Bioinks have massive potential to boost regenerative medicine and stem cell application and break new ground for scientific discovery.

Sustainable Resources


Taking solar and making it cheap and easily applicable, their new SolarINk has the potential to create the next generation of accessible solar products.

Food Security


They’ve developed a tool that helps users find food that meets important dietary, religious, or ethical restrictions.



The folks behind SalonMonster developed exceptional software that helps independent stylists become more financially independent and resilient.

NexStream will invest more than $300,000 in these winners, and they have no plans to stop.

Over their three competitions, they’ve collectively distributed more than $3 million into the Campbell River tech community.

NexStream 4.0 opens to applications again this fall. So if you have a project or idea you think could make it big, step on the gas.

There’s no time like the present to get things rolling.
