Port Hardy’s fire department donated a whole truck full of used but useful gear to Firefighters Without Borders Canada. Reps from Firefighters Without Borders made the trek up from Vancouver on June 9 to get the gear.

On their Facebook post, the group gave Gavin Texmo and Fire Chief Brent Borg a special shoutout for the donation.
The gear included boots, helmets, gloves, a lightbar, axes, nozzles, fittings and tools.
Port Hardy firefighters have been supporting Firefighters Without Borders for years now. They take that gear and give it to fire departments in places like the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. They also train people in these places to be firefighters.
Adam Paul from Port Hardy was excited to see the gear get shipped off. “It’s great to see our older equipment make its way to other less fortunate countries rather than into a landfill,” he wrote on Facebook.