Battle of the Paddle: Islanders Divided Over PickleballNo sport generates more adoration or drama in BC than Pickleball
What We Love: Life in the SeaLocal underwater cinematographer John Roney captures the beauty of the coast
Whistleblower’s Testimony Renews Questions About VanIsle’s Extraterrestrial Secrets1981 was a year unexplained UFO phenomena on Vancouver Island
Giving Back Made Easy: New Guide on Supporting the HomelessDocument outlines heartfelt efforts to support neighbors in need
VIDEO: Blind Swimmer’s 11-Hour Triumph Across the StraitWatch his triumphant arrival at Pipers Lagoon
What We Love: Close-Ups Of Curious BearsFunny video captured in Malahat Territory gives bears eye view a whole new meaning
VIDEO: Unraveling Van Isle’s Ancient SecretsArcheologist merges science with traditional knowledge to explore history
Capitalism + Activism – Politics = PatagoniaChouinard has had a big impact on defending BC's wild salmon
It’s 43 Acres of Pure PotentialCity looking for the best ideas on how to develop old sawmill property
Complicated Coronation for New Comox MayorRuss Arnott drops from race, leaving only 1 candidate to be acclaimed Oct 15
Investing in a New Bread and Butter for Forest WorkersIt used to be old growth, now it' growth?
Follow Your Nose—It Works for Salmon!How salmon find their way around the open ocean is still a mystery
“Sluggo” Claus Comes Early for SkatersPro skateboarder Rob “Sluggo” Boyce brought his big ol' bag of goodies for Islanders
Investing in Pathway to Nursing StudentsEach eligible healthcare assistants will get $10,000 to cover the cost of the program
Making Life a Beach for EveryoneTofino's new free beach wheelchairs are helping everyone enjoy the last days of summer
Join the Oyster Revolution!Oysters require no artificial feeding and demand only a clean sea to thrive
Want to Build a Mine in a Park? Come to BCA Singapore corporation now ownsthe mine, but the previous Swiss owner made the federal Environmental Offenders Registry in 2016 for spilling 16,000 litres of “acidic substance” into Myra Creek
All are welcome here.The Immigrant Welcome Centre free english classes and group programs are starting up this September!
What We Love : Our Island Storms!Photographer Joel Bourgoin caught some of the crazy lightning we've been having!
Salmon Are Complicated. Humans are … Never MindBut it will take more than one up year to save our salmon
Local Turning Old Space Into “Kayaking Mecca of Canada”New communal kayak museum and workspace comes to Ucluelet.
Fish Farms Out By 2025? Not LikelBut DFO's recent "discussion framework" makes it seem like the agency is dragging its heels